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Yash Combo Sampler

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Yash COMBO sampler is a advanced sampler for the measurement of particulate matter less than 2.5 micron size i.e. PM 2.5 and less than 10 micron size i.e. PM 10 at a time. Yash COMBO sampler consists of two separate inlet assembly each for PM 2.5 and PM 10 inlet designed as per EPA reference method and guidelines. Distance between two inlet assembly can be spaced more than 1.5 meter as per CPCB guidelines as per customer requirements.
Yash COMBO sampler consists of specially designed inlet, PM 10 size particulate matter separator, WINS impactor ( in case of PM 2.5 assembly) and filter holder for 47 mm diameter filter paper, electronic flow controller, flow measurement system, and vacuum pump.

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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Calibration Services, Cems Emission Monitoring System, Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System, Inspectin Services, Magnetic Partical Testing, Ndt Testing, On Site Inspection Service, Online Ph And Tds And Ss And Bod And Cod, Penetrant Testing, Radiography Testing, Third Party Inspection, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Testing, Weather Monitoring Station, Yash Combo Sampler, Yash Gaseous Sampling, Yash Hvs, Yash Pm Sampler, Yash Rds Sampler, Yash Stack Kit